The International Library and Cultural Exchange Interest Group (ILCE-IG) grew out of the American-Bulgarian Library Exchange Project (1996-2011), which sought to create connections and cooperation between American and Bulgarian libraries.  The ILCE-IG has extended its scope to encourage projects that foster relationships between Colorado Libraries and those of other countries, to help build and maintain libraries in communities overseas, and to celebrate nondominant cultures across Colorado.

ILCE-IG has two primary goals:

  • Support individual and library partnerships and activities that enhance cultural understanding, and
  • Support cultural programming and activities that celebrate diverse ethnic and immigrant cultures in Colorado.

We achieve these two goals through the following activities:

  • Identify libraries in Colorado that have relationships with libraries outside the US
  • Discuss how to stimulate cultural exchange between US and international libraries
  • Offer programs at CAL on international cultural exchange
  • Assist libraries to work with their international populations to support cultural exchange
  • Build in the CAL website, international cultural information about countries with which Colorado Libraries have relationships
  • Collaborate with existing CAL interest groups who have similar interest and focus
  • Seek funding for cooperative projects between Colorado and international libraries

Steering Committee:

Nancy Bolt, Chair

Jen Yadav, Secretary

Janet Lee, At large

Jane Mirandette, At large

Shannon Brennan, At large

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